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Featured, News, People October 11, 2023
Investing in Excellence – Nina, Ljubica, and Petar’s Journeys
Hard work pays off! Our very own Nina, Ljubica, and Petar are proof of that.This awesome
We have the fastest Project Manager!
Montenegro Business Run - Mission completed! Some members of our #SuperheroSquad joined the annual Montenegro Business
Welcome Dejan
Exciting news!Superhero Squad is getting reinforcements in our Backend team We want to extend a warm
Frederic’s experience in Montenegro
Work and Play: Frederic’s Experience in Montenegro In the past week, Net2 had the privilege of
News, People September 17, 2022
Junior Developers Onboarding Successfully Completed
Six months ago, our team grew stronger as we welcomed our junior devs Petar and Dejan.
Welcome Nina & Ljubica!
Our superhero squad is getting stronger. Two superwomen are joining our team Nina and Ljubica! Ljubica